
naskah MC

  Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Good evening ladies and gentleman, my name is Hafshah Fathimah Az Zahra. It’s a precious chance for me to be your master of ceremony on this very special occcasion “The Seminar about Global Warming”. First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah SWT who has give us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy so we can attend and participate in this special event without any obstacles. Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought us to the path of light from the darkness in this life. I would like to welcome Mr. Alam Budiansyah as our speaker today, and all of the audience. On this special evening we have several agenda as follows: 1.    Opening 2.    Reciting holy Quran 3.    Speech from Mr. Setiawan as the head of the committee 4.    Main lecture from Mr. Alam Budiansyah 5.    The last is closing Well ladies and gentleman, let’s begin this event by reciting “basmalah”. M...

Birthday Topic

1. When is your birthday? Do you celebrate your birthday? Why? Answer: My birthday is on 26th Mei. no i don't, because i don't really like to celebrate my birthday. 2. Do you make a wish on your birthday?  What is your wish this year? Answer: I think yes.  Be healty, will understand lesson, be a good person. 3. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? Answer: A watch. 4. What gift do you want to give to your best friend on his/her birthday? Answer: Food or what thing they want it. 5. What do you want to do on your birthday this year? Answer: I want vacation with my family and friends.


  Topic: unforgettable memories - New Year list of questions: 1. Do you celebrted new year 2022? what did you do in the night of new year 2022? 2. W hat do you wish in 2022 for your life? 3. W hat will you do to make your wishes come true? my answer: 1. No, l don't. I just play with my phone and eat dinner with my family. 2. l wish l can be a better person, my target are achieved and l can buy what l want. 3. l change my bad attitude, not lazy for doing my homework and praying to Allah.

English level test

  Hello, I am Hafshah Fathimah Az Zahra from class 8B after doing the english level test, I am in the level of A2 or pre-intermediate. With this level of English, I can speak about (myself ,my daily activities, my family, and foods). I can understand when listen to people talking about (themselves, tutorial about something (ex: cooking). I can read and understand about (song lyrics, short story and english lessons). and I can write in English about (myself, and my daily activities).

The interview with kirana 8B

  questions of interview:  1. About how many hours of TV do you watch every day? : Half an hour 2. What are some of your favorite shows? What are they? : NCT Life and Cartoon the amazing world of gumball 3. Do you like any foreign TV shows? What are they? : Yes, TV shows like NCTLIFE are from Korea 4. What is the funniest show on television? : I don't think there is 5. Do you think people watch too much television? Why? : I don't think so, nowadays people prefer to use their smartphones to watch because smartphones are better than television 6. Are TV shows getting better or worse? Why? : TV shows are now getting worse, only some of them give good viewing 7. Would you like to be on TV? Why? : Yes, I can let more people know me 8. Do you have a favorite channel? What are they? : Yes, TransTV,SCTV,cartoon network and Nickelodeon 9. Do you have cable, satellite television, or neither? : cable 10. Can you recommend a TV show to your classmates? : One the spot, ...

Conversation at the Library

Student : Hi. Excuse me. Student B : Yes? Student : Where's the library? Student B : The library? It's next to the registration office. Student : Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office? Student B : No problem. See the big building over there? Student : Yes. Student B : OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration office. And next to that is the library. Student : I see. Thanks!   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student : Hello? Librarian : Hello. Student : Is this the library? Librarian : Yes, it is. Quiet, please. Student : Oh, sorry. Thank you. Librarian : Can I help you? Student : Er, yes, please. I want to borrow some books. What do I need? Librarian : You need a library card. Here's the application form. You can take up to six books maximum today. Student : OK. Six books. Librarian : Yes. You have two weeks to r...

'Usman bin 'Affan ( Baik Hati dan Dermawan )

  Usman bin affan adalah sahabat nabi yg termasuk al-khulafa'u ar-Rasyidun yg ke-3 setelah Umar bin Khattab . Ia dikenal sebagai pedagang kaya raya dan pembisnis yg handal namun sangat dermawan . Banyak bantuan ekonom yg diberikan kepada umat islam di awal dakwah islam . Ia mendapat julukan zunnurain yg berarti " pemilik dua cahaya " . julukan ini didapat karena 'usman telah menikahi putri kedua & ketiga Rasullah , yaitu Ruqyah dan Ummu Kulsum .  'Usman bin affan tidak segan-segan mengeluarkan kekayaannya untuk kepentingan agama & masyarakat umum . Ia membeli sumur yg jernih airnya seharga 200.000 dirham yg setara dengan dua setengah kilogram emas pada waktu itu . Sumur itu ia wakafkan untuk kepentingan rakyat umum . 'Usman juga memberi bantuan untuk memperluas Masjid Madinah dan membeli tanah di sekitarnya . Ia mendermakan 1.000 ekor unta dan 70 ekor kuda , ditambah 1.000 dirham sumbangan pribadi untuk perang tabuk yg nilainya sama dengan seperti bia...